Roana is the recipient of the 10th wheelchair provided using funds from recycling Aussie Bread Tags. This is the first wheelchair provided via our new partnership with Rotary Algoa Bay in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. We are excited to be working with Rotary in this area as they have established contacts in disability and aged care services and are very enthusiastic about our program. We are hoping this is the first of many wheelchairs we can fund in this region.
Did you see us on the 7.30 Report on 4 Jan 2021? Click below to view the segment (it was filmed in 2019, so we have grown significantly since then, but the story is the same).
Latest wheelchair funded
Wheelchair Tally
Recycle Tally
14,112 kg of Aussie bread tags recycled to date – that’s more than 14 tonnes!
Current Recycling Rate
250kg of bread tags / month
(approx. 2,700 tags/kg)
Posted: November 3, 2020 by admin
Roana and Rotary
Roana is the recipient of the 10th wheelchair provided using funds from recycling Aussie Bread Tags. This is the first wheelchair provided via our new partnership with Rotary Algoa Bay in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. We are excited to be working with Rotary in this area as they have established contacts in disability and aged care services and are very enthusiastic about our program. We are hoping this is the first of many wheelchairs we can fund in this region.
Category: Uncategorized
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7.30 Report
Did you see us on the 7.30 Report on 4 Jan 2021? Click below to view the segment (it was filmed in 2019, so we have grown significantly since then, but the story is the same).
Latest wheelchair funded
Wheelchair Tally
Recycle Tally
14,112 kg of Aussie bread tags recycled to date – that’s more than 14 tonnes!
Current Recycling Rate
250kg of bread tags / month
(approx. 2,700 tags/kg)
Bread Tags for Wheelchairs South Africa
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