People do report to us from time to time that they have problems accessing the map from Apple devices. We have discussed this issue with staff in our local Apple shop. They had no trouble accessing the map from their phones and tablets, but they did recommend checking you have the latest version of the Google Maps app installed and also that Location is switched on in Settings. If you don’t want to bother with all this, you could download the list as an alternative.
Did you see us on the 7.30 Report on 4 Jan 2021? Click below to view the segment (it was filmed in 2019, so we have grown significantly since then, but the story is the same).
Latest wheelchair funded
Wheelchair Tally
Recycle Tally
14,112 kg of Aussie bread tags recycled to date – that’s more than 14 tonnes!
Current Recycling Rate
250kg of bread tags / month
(approx. 2,700 tags/kg)
Posted: February 26, 2020 by admin
I can’t open the collection point map.
People do report to us from time to time that they have problems accessing the map from Apple devices. We have discussed this issue with staff in our local Apple shop. They had no trouble accessing the map from their phones and tablets, but they did recommend checking you have the latest version of the Google Maps app installed and also that Location is switched on in Settings. If you don’t want to bother with all this, you could download the list as an alternative.
Category: Collecting
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7.30 Report
Did you see us on the 7.30 Report on 4 Jan 2021? Click below to view the segment (it was filmed in 2019, so we have grown significantly since then, but the story is the same).
Latest wheelchair funded
Wheelchair Tally
Recycle Tally
14,112 kg of Aussie bread tags recycled to date – that’s more than 14 tonnes!
Current Recycling Rate
250kg of bread tags / month
(approx. 2,700 tags/kg)
Bread Tags for Wheelchairs South Africa
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