Big wheelchair news today. We have reached a milestone – 40 wheelchairs funded! These lovely messages are from parents in Jordan, where we had provided five wheelchairs through Wheelchairs for Kids: “On behalf of my son Fouad, I offer sincere thanks and appreciation for those who worked on providing us with a wheelchair that supports his learning needs. The chair has helped him sit in a better and safer which is improving his writing capabilities.” Fouad’s mother. “Thank you to the Australian Organization ‘Wheel Chairs for Kids’ for providing us with a wheelchair. The chair has positively impacted our son who is now able to sit properly and safely, whether to have meals or write on the table attached to his chair.” We have now funded a further five wheelchairs through Wheelchairs for Kids, currently under construction in their workshop, and one more in South Africa for a Diabetes Support Group.
Did you see us on the 7.30 Report on 4 Jan 2021? Click below to view the segment (it was filmed in 2019, so we have grown significantly since then, but the story is the same).
Latest wheelchair funded
Wheelchair Tally
Recycle Tally
14,112 kg of Aussie bread tags recycled to date – that’s more than 14 tonnes!
Current Recycling Rate
250kg of bread tags / month
(approx. 2,700 tags/kg)
Last Updated: September 20, 2021 by admin
40 Wheelchairs Funded
Big wheelchair news today. We have reached a milestone – 40 wheelchairs funded! These lovely messages are from parents in Jordan, where we had provided five wheelchairs through Wheelchairs for Kids:
“On behalf of my son Fouad, I offer sincere thanks and appreciation for those who worked on providing us with a wheelchair that supports his learning needs. The chair has helped him sit in a better and safer which is improving his writing capabilities.” Fouad’s mother.
“Thank you to the Australian Organization ‘Wheel Chairs for Kids’ for providing us with a wheelchair. The chair has positively impacted our son who is now able to sit properly and safely, whether to have meals or write on the table attached to his chair.”
We have now funded a further five wheelchairs through Wheelchairs for Kids, currently under construction in their workshop, and one more in South Africa for a Diabetes Support Group.
Category: Uncategorized
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7.30 Report
Did you see us on the 7.30 Report on 4 Jan 2021? Click below to view the segment (it was filmed in 2019, so we have grown significantly since then, but the story is the same).
Latest wheelchair funded
Wheelchair Tally
Recycle Tally
14,112 kg of Aussie bread tags recycled to date – that’s more than 14 tonnes!
Current Recycling Rate
250kg of bread tags / month
(approx. 2,700 tags/kg)
Bread Tags for Wheelchairs South Africa
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